An American in Kelowna – One Year in the BC Books

An American in Kelowna – One Year in the BC Books

Stop the presses. It’s amazingly true.

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July 22, 2015 represents ONE year for temporary-resident Jim in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. WOW – I could write a book about what I’ve experienced in 12 months. But I won’t. This post will do.

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Thanks to the lovely and adorable Elaine, it’s been a wonderful and enjoyable ride. We’ve come a long way, baby. There’s much more fun to come under the endless Okanagan sun. Strap yourself in.

Elaine at Reception



Quick review:

On Sunday, July 20, 2014, I drove up to the Paterson border crossing around 10:30 AM. For three hours, the border agents grilled me like a 4th of July sausage. My paperwork was in order. I wasn’t Al Qaeda or some drug mule. Final decision – entry denied. My bride-to-be and I were stunned. I had to turn around and drive back to Colville, Washington for the night.

Paterson Sign

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On Monday, July 21, 2014 – I drove back to the same crossing at 7:20 PM. Wanted to meet up with the same agent who denied me. Wanted to prove that I did what he asked (long story) to gain entry into Canada. There was more unexpected gamesmanship – it wasn’t looking good. I was being played like a bad poker hand. Around 9:50 PM – I believe the agent felt sorry for me and relented. He granted me a 90-day visitor’s pass.

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Euphoria and disdain were coursing thru my veins. Long day. Longer night. Get out of my way – I’m driving my Kia to K-Town. Not my finest Mensa moment. It was pitch black and the narrow, curvy roads were unfamiliar. The agent warned of critters darting in and out. Thanks, dude. I was jacked and ready to plow down 14 moose and 12 deer to get to Elaine.

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The moonlit sky provided guidance during the 4.5-hour trek. The cities and lakes along the way were interesting and unknown. All the signage was in kilometers. Huh?! I arrived in Kelowna around 2:00 AM. Technically, it was July 22. Pulled up to Elaine’s place at 2:15. Jubilation.

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That was 365 days ago. Since then I’ve gotten an Open Work Permit, Social Insurance Number, and a British Columbia Health Services Card. I’m in. Elaine and I are celebrating with a fancy lunch and evening swim. Oh yeah – I still gotta paint the kitchen in our recently purchased townhouse by the lake. Will someone hire me, please?!

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